window revival business opportunity
Call Us 1300 882 482
Australia's Leading One Stop Window Restoration Shop

Replacement Windows

If you are looking for replacement windows either in a commercial or residential renovation project but you’re concerned about the damage that may be caused by ripping the old windows out then you may wish to consider the option of restoring the existing windows frames.

Most aluminium windows have a powder coat finish that breaks down and starts to powder with age when exposed to weather and pollutants in the environment. When people want to change the colour of their old windows replacement is the first option that come to mind.

However you have the choice of either replacing them or restoring them. Window Revival’s two pac spray painting process allows you to restore aluminium windows onsite whilst the window frames remain in place.

If you get Window Revival to restore your windows you’ll receive peace of mind with our 7 written warranty

So if you’d like to find out how much you’ll save get a quick quote by clicking here.

About Chris Vernon

Chris has a long history dating back to the 1980’s renovating and adding immense value to properties, and understands the concerns and frustrations experienced by renovators seeking the balance between maximum value for money and maximum quality of works.
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