window revival business opportunity
Call Us 1300 882 482
Australia's Leading One Stop Window Restoration Shop

Aluminium Framed Windows

Aluminium framed windows come in a variety of colours, brands and sizes

Whether you’re building or renovating there are a number of styles and brands of aluminium framed windows to choose from.

However if you are renovating there is an alternative to replacement and that is aluminium window painting and repairs.

Using quality replacement parts and two pac spray painting system applied by trained applicators you can transform your old tired looking aluminium framed windows.

When you paint your old frames you have access to a wide variety of colours to suit your existing or planned decor. The finish using the two pac paint system is highly durable and will last for many years.

You’ll receive a 7 written warranty.

An average house usually takes about 4-5 days to restore.

Click Here for a quick quote from Window Revival.

About Chris Vernon

Chris has a long history dating back to the 1980’s renovating and adding immense value to properties, and understands the concerns and frustrations experienced by renovators seeking the balance between maximum value for money and maximum quality of works.
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