window revival business opportunity
Call Us 1300 882 482
Australia's Leading One Stop Window Restoration Shop

Aluminium Window Frames

Aluminium window frames are an integral part of most buildings providing security, ventilation and light.

Modern powdercoated aluminium window frames come in a variety of colours to help match most decors. However in the past the colour choice was limited to mission brown and silver.

If you have old mission brown, bronze or silver aluminium window frames that you would like to change the colour of then Window Revival can provide a colour change using their onsite aluminium window painting process.

The restoration process not only allows you to get the colour of your choice but also involves the mechanical upgrading of rollers as required to ensure smooth opening.

You’ll receive a 7 written warranty.

So for a quick quote fill in your details and receive your Self-measurement checklist here.

About Chris Vernon

Chris has a long history dating back to the 1980’s renovating and adding immense value to properties, and understands the concerns and frustrations experienced by renovators seeking the balance between maximum value for money and maximum quality of works.

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